A few photo snaps of my adventures with foraging, harvesting, gathering, processing, bundling, pressing, die-cutting and more. Here I am seaweed foraging on Lopez Island WA.
Most of the time, working with flowers is NOT glamorous, just a lot of hard work. Here I am on a very hot day, on the side of the road, clipping a full stand of Pearly Everlasting - a beautiful dry weed that loves growing in poor soil, deep ditches and hard to reach places.
Pressed Flower Remnants.
An iPhone snap of ethereal handpicked seaweed.
Wild fall Crocus clippings from Rita’s garden on Lopez Island, WA.
Rita’s field of Dock - another favorite invasive, dry weed that I love to harvest.
Here’s a big bundle of horsetail bamboo. Another very invasive plant (do you see a pattern here?) that literally grows like a weed ( is it a weed? I dont think so…). I found a large stand of this beauty underneath some low hanging trees, on the roadside. It was nice and cool under there, with plenty of bugs!
Beginning to hang a whole slew of botanical material into this ceiling grid.
Sometimes the leftovers are the best part ! Pressed flower clippings with die cut holes create interesting textures, shapes and colors.
Daffodil season in the Skagit Valley ! Never gets old.
Smiling through my teeth with the very heavy load of mustard flowers. The bees loves this one and so do I..
Seaweed does not always smell great, and can be slimy and yucky. Ew! Nevermind, it is super gorgeous!!